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Sustainable Materials

Sustainable Way

Sustainable Materials

We have never cut down a single tree in the forest for production! Instead, we add value to rubber trees by using them to their fullest potential. When rubber trees no longer produce latex, they are cut down and burned. This is where we come in! In 1981, we were the frst toy manufacturer to create toys from reclaimed rubberwood. Subsequently, we have developed materials by incorporating innovations to manage our resource usage efficiently. In addition to materials, we also prioritize other components to ensure safety for children, workers, and the environment.

Reclaimed Rubberwood

The rubberwood trees stay on the plantation for around 25 years, and at that time, they no longer produce latex and are cut down. We upcycle the trees from being burned and use a kiln-dried process instead of using chemicals to treat the wood to increase durability and help reduce weevil problems.


We peel the rubberwood to prepare the solid wood for toy production. The peeled wood layers are glued with non-toxic glue and compressed to produce curved Plywood for designing our toys and kids’ furniture. In addition to using resources efficiently, using curved plywood in toy design reduces the steps in assembling wood pieces, increases production efficiency, and results in uniquely beautiful toys.


PlanWood is an eco-friendly material from upcycle sawdust. We combined the grinding surplus sawdust from PlanToys’ production with organic pigments and non-toxic glue and used a thermal process to form various shapes and textures. A thermal process increases its density, making it possible to play in the water without water easily seeping through.

Natural Rubber

We use latex to produce rubber toys because the properties of natural rubber make it possible to increase the play value because of its flexibility. Moreover, natural rubber ensures safety because of lower chemical usage during production than synthetic rubber, which is a biodegradable material.

Organic Pigments

This type of pigment contains carbon molecules, which can include plant extracts. We are always searching for and finding the best eco-friendly materials for use in production. Organic pigments benefit not only our children but also our employees and the environment.

Water-Based Dyes

Water-based dyes allow the water to carry the dye particles deep into the wood fibers. The resulting look is more transparent and natural. We use non-toxic water-based dyes that maintain the texture of our wooden toys ㅡ keeping them as close to their original nature as possible.

Non-Formaldehyde Glue (No-Added-Formaldehyde (NAF) Adhesives) These adhesives have the lowest levels of formaldehyde. These non-formaldehyde glues pass all global regulations for formaldehyde emissions. In addition to being concerned about the safety of children, we're also concerned with the safety of our employees by using raw materials free from harmful chemicals in the production process.